Guitar electronics mods - new workshops!!
Click the picture to go to the detailed page on general electronics and some simple mods.
I have puzzled for a long time how to organise workshops doing electronics mods. as the subject is a bit more complex than building a guitar.
As from end 2016 i will organise 3 hour (105 euro) and 4 hour (max. 140 euro) workshops doing simple guitar electronics modifications.
For the 4-hour workshops I will charge the last hour only as spent in 20 minute parts.
The purpose of these workshops is to present some simple mods, doable for the average guitarplayer. The idea of a workshop is that the pariticpants implement the mods themselves, i will sit back, relax and only interfere when things go wrong.
Switches and other hardware are not included, they will be charged extra.Types of workshops
A. We do the mods on my kit (loaded pickguards or tele controlplates). Demo on the LABstrat
B. We do the mod on new or used kit provided by me or the participant (to be agreed) , participant takes the modified electronics home
C. We do the mod on participant's own guitar
All to be agreed in advance
Sequence of events:
At a workshop we will go through the following steps
1. Introduction and choice of mod to be practiced
2. Demoing the mod on my LABStrat (see electronics page)
3. Some theory on electonics - Ohms law, serial/parallel, in and out phase
4. The various switches we use
5. The use of the multimeter tool
6. Soldering excercise
7 Implement and test the mod of choice
The following modifications are possible at this stage:
Strat neck plus brug optie toevoegen (standard Strat doesnt have this) één DPDT
Strat brug/mid pups in series (of andere combinaties), één DPDT
Strat meer series parallel schakelingen ( 2 and 3 pups) - twee DPDT:
Stratocaster Parallel uit phase bridge/midpup één DPDT
Stereo Strat (volume en toonregeling actief) één DPDT
Tapped single coil pups - één SPDT
Treble Bleed Capacitor (Strat en Tele) -this is a quicky and can be done if time permits
Strat No-load switch ( solo switch) - één DPDT
Strat No-load switch solo switch improved - één DPDT en één SPDT
Telecaster in series: bridge / neck (that’s all you have) - één DPDT
Tele phase switching (same approach as strat mid ooph) - één DPDT
Tele No-load switch - solo - één DPDTPlease contact me for details and pricing variations.
DPDT stands for dualpole dual throw switch. This can be either a mini toggle switch or a pushpull pot which incorporates a DPDT switch.
Some of these require 3 hours, a few 4 hours. In general if you need a mod to be implemented on your own guitar probably 4 hours are required.; where a Strat is more work than a Tele.
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